Helping those in need

Effective Humanitarian Work

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Since 2007, Reach Out And Learn volunteers have helped thousands in need, and saved countless lives. Our proven methods continue to benefit the lives of individuals, families and communities worldwide. The following gives examples of some of our work along with the results.

Reach Out And Learn Anesthesiology training in Cusco, Peru

Infant Surgery

Early on in our training, we learned together with Anesthesiologists in hospitals in Cusco, Peru. As we fostered relationships of trust, and through candid discussions, we found that every child who received general anesthesia, in one of the hospitals, passed away during surgery. We learned how general anesthesia was being administered and we were able to offer training that corrected the way anesthesia was being administered. The infants now receive anesthesia correctly.

Reach Out And Learn Mental Health Summit, Jinan China, 2016

Mental Health

During the past two years, we have learned together with Chinese mental health students, faculty and professionals in Beijing and Jinan, China. After each training session we asked participants to respond to some questions that enabled us to gather information to help us in future training. We found that the Chinese could benefit greatly by having therapists who will counsel those with depression, anxiety, addictive behaviors and other mental health challenges and help alleviate these debilitating issues. Our volunteers provided training in universities, clinics and hospitals and our ongoing work will be to help establish mental health outreach options throughout China.

Reach Out And Learn First Responder Training, Cusco, Peru

Accident Victims

Through a method called the "Nominal Group Process", that we ran with medical professionals in Cusco, Peru, we found that the number one cause of death was from injuries that resulted from accidents. When injured persons with life threatening injuries were encountered by "first responders", the personnel were only authorized to transport the injured and were not authorized or trained to treat injuries. We suggested the Ministry of Health authorize first responders to be trained on and be able to provide basic first aid methods to those with injuries. When we returned the next year, we were met at our hotel by the police chief who asked us to come and train his police force. We also trained fire fighters, national police, and security personnel who were now authorized by the Ministry of Health to administer life saving techniques to injured persons. Among the topics we presented in workshops were trauma care, CPR, first-aid, and disaster triage.

Reach Out And Learn Maternal Fetal Health training at the

Newborns and their Mothers

Some of the challenges associated with childbirth are, newborn babies who need help breathing, difficult deliveries, neonatal resuscitation and postpartum hemorrhage. For the past six years, our experienced maternal-fetal health volunteers have provided training to hundreds of doctors, nurses and midwives in Cusco, Sicuani, Quillabamba, Puno and (in 2017) Abancay, Peru. Mother and newborn mortality can often be remedied when maternal-fetal professionals are provided necessary knowledge and skills.

Reach Out And Learn tooth brushing training in Casa Ccunca, Peru

Public Health

ROL has partnered with Utah Valley University and Brigham Young University Idaho to provide training on public health issues in Cusco, Peru and many outlying, rural communities.

Reach Out And Learn Public Health Training at the Cusco, Peru medical school

Reach Out And Learn Dental Health Summit, at a dental school in Jinan, China

Dental Health

After a presentation about "Using Medical Lasers in Dentistry" by Sam Knight at a dental school in Jinan, China, one of the student participants asked, "When can we get a dental laser here?" Often times, when "learning together" with foreign students, faculty and professionals, providing a "what's possible" can go a long way to improving the work done to help those in need!